Down the Hall on Your Left

This site is a blog about what has been coasting through my consciousness lately. The things I post will be reflections that I see of the world around me. You may not agree with me or like what I say. In either case – you’ll get over it and I can live with it if it makes you unhappy. Please feel free to leave comments if you wish . All postings are: copyright 2014 – 2021

Archive for the day “August 27, 2016”

Fiction Saturday – And Pull The Hole In After You – Continued

Fiction Saturday – Continued

Chapter Four – Continued


pull patioDominic shifted uneasily in his patio chair, cleared his throat, leaned closer to the Old Man and decided to take his chances with the truth—sort of.

“When she left, sir, she also took some money I had in the house.”

“How much?”  The Captain’s eyes focused coldly on Dominic.  Missing money was serious business.

“Six hundred large,” Dominic whispered.  The Old Man cupped a hand to his ear, straining to hear.  Dominic had to repeat it, louder.  “Six hundred large, sir.”

Everybody on the porch perked up.  One of the young men let out a low whistle.  The Old Man shifted in his chair and stared at Dominic for what seemed like a minute before speaking.

“That’s a lot of money, Dominic,” he said softly.  “Why do you have so much in the house?  Where did you get it?  You have a little action going on the side I should know about?”

“No, sir.  I’m just careful with my money.  I’m … thrifty.”  Dominic could feel that his shirt was damp and beginning to stick to his skin.

“Cheap, you mean,” chuckled the Old Man.  Reflexively his musclemen joined in. Dominic squirmed and tugged at his shirt collar which had suddenly become too tight.

 “It’s for expenses, sir.  To pay my boys…and I like to have some cash for emergencies and, you know, opportunities.”  This was getting more uncomfortable by the minute.

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