Down the Hall on Your Left

This site is a blog about what has been coasting through my consciousness lately. The things I post will be reflections that I see of the world around me. You may not agree with me or like what I say. In either case – you’ll get over it and I can live with it if it makes you unhappy. Please feel free to leave comments if you wish . All postings are: copyright 2014 – 2021

Nay! Nay!


I’D SAY THAT CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER. I noticed while driving about the neighborhood yesterday that there was a new announcement on the sign at the Taco Bell.

“Employee of the month is ‘Nay Nay’.”

Yes, Yes – it’s Nay Nay.

I know that appears to be somewhat contradictory, but it’s not. Yes, it is not.

I don’t know Nay Nay. I don’t know if Nay Nay is a He-Nay or a she-Nay. All I know for sure is that Nay Nay is a good employee at Taco Bell.

If I worked at Taco Bell and I wanted to become the Employee of the Month I’m sure that the Boss would say nay. I’m not Taco Bell material. In my heart I know that I’m not. I’m no Nay Nay. No way am I a Nay Nay. I am closer to a “No Way” than I am to a Nay Nay.

Way to go Nay Nay! Yea for Nay Nay!

To become the Employee of the Month at Taco Bell one must have a positive attitude and, contrary to the obvious, I’m sure that Nay Nay is a beacon of Positive Light in a Negative world. If someone says to me, “Are you sure?” I will answer, “Yes, I am.” I am not a naysayer. When it comes to the Positive at Taco Bell all I can say is “Nay Nay.”

Nay Nay must be a joy to have around. I’m sure to his/her friends he/she is just Nay for short. No need to be formal with Nay Nay, I’m sure.

I’m going to go out on a linguistic limb here and make an assumption. “Nay Nay” is not the name on Nay Nay’s birth certificate or Drivers License. Just one Nay perhaps, but not both – or even something else that would lead one to be called Nay Nay.

I can just see Nay Nay’s christening. “I baptize thee “Unh – uh” – and a relative stands up in protest. “You can’t name that child “Unh – uh.” I object and say nay!” And then a second relative stands up and says, “I second that nay!”

So to quell a possible family feud the clergyman steps into the fray and settles it all. “I baptize thee “Nay Nay.”

And the legend was born.

I like the name Nay Nay. It has a bit of an Elizabethan ring to it. I can easily picture a character in the epic play “Julius Caesar” named Nay Nay.

In the big scene as Brutus and his negative bunch are putting the knife to the Emperor I can hear Caesar calling out, “Nay, Nay!” and from off toward Stage Left we hear, “I’m over here, Sire, making some tacos for later. Do you want me to make some for you? I know that last time you et two.”

Being named “Employee of the Month” is nothing to sneeze at whether it is at Taco Bell or Microsoft – and I’ll bet that Bill Gates can’t make a decent Chalupa.

Oh, Nay, Nay!

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2 thoughts on “Nay! Nay!

  1. I had a flashback to Abbot and Costello, “Who’s on First?” You we’re in the running!


  2. LOL… and so true about the chalupa. Happy Fourth of July hugs!


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